The V-BRYGE Conference is co-organized

by Vanguard Think Tank and US-China Better Relations Coalition.

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Vanguard Think Tank (VTT)

VTT is a student-run research institution committed to establishing a transnational student community for students of global studies and international development to grow professionally and thrive personally. Founded at Johns Hopkins University in 2019, it is now an international organization with researchers and members from 16 universities and institutions.




US-China Better Relations Coalition (UCBRC)

The UCBRC connects students and young professionals from the US, China, and around the world to build lasting relations between future global leaders. Our diverse community is home to members from over 50 universities spanning four countries. Amidst escalating Sino-US tensions, we hope to connect passionate individuals of diverse backgrounds to overcome present geopolitical tensions and lead to better global relations in the future.

In addition, V-BRYGE has the following partnering organizations:

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